Diabetic Shoes


Custom compression wear available. We can special-order:


  • open-toe socks
  • compression socks that zip up to make them easier to put on
  • graduated compression socks for those with a large calf size for a better fit
Why are they needed?

Poorly controlled blood sugar can damage many parts of the body, including the nerves and vessels that go to the feet. Because of this, people with diabetes have an increased risk of developing foot problems. Wearing specially designed shoes can help reduce risk and promote healthy circulation in your feet

Expert on staff

Roger Homesley is certified, so you know the shoes and inserts you receive will prevent excessive pressure on the feet to help prevent skin breakdown and ulcers

Is it covered?

Your physician will need to determine if you are eligible for shoes.  As long as you meet the criteria and the physician has filled out the appropriate paperwork, we can bill your Medicare so you can receive your shoes free of charge.

Which shoe do you like?

We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.

We have several vendors that offer shoes in many styles.  Take a look at their websites and let us know which shoe you like!

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